"Frankfurter Please, Danka." - Kelly
"Uuuhh... that please finger point/slam on menu Danka." - Katie
Upon arrival of two limp hot dogs squished into the middle of french fries and lettuce and corn salad on one plate, and a bowl of noodles with green flecks, there is an akward silence, then a spurt of giggles from the both of us.
So much for our 'German' experience. - Except for the beer.
We drug ourselves aroud Frankfurt for an hour or so with our glazed over eyes staring at modernly designed buildings before spotting a park and plopping down in the shade for a two hour cat siesta, the proceeded back to the airport to wait another six hours for our flight to Ethiopia.
When our plane landed with a giant THUD and jerk, followed by several screams of horror, there was an out burst of claps and cheers. Exiting the plane, there was many kissing the ground which we both were tempted to do, only for different reasons. We were beyond words to be back in our other home of Africa.
After we gathered our bags ( which we were shocked were actually there after almost two days of travelingon three different flights), we headed to the arrival area. Waiting with excitement was Shamim and Faith holding a piece of paper that said 'Cate and Carly'. I knew it was them so I smiled and they began to jump up and down. After hugs and greetings, we were off to Kampala.
Shamim is a beautiful, slim, soft-spoken yet assertive 23 year old woman that went to school with Lela, the young woman that MMCF helped put through secondary school. Her mother, Faith, is a large jolly woman who spoke very little English. When she did not understand you she would just laugh like she knew what you were saying or pause and reply " I am so proud of you". They were to be our guides.
After two days or airplane food and a failed attempt in Germany, we have never been more excited to eat the simple, pure native food of Uganda.
"Uuuhh... that please finger point/slam on menu Danka." - Katie
Upon arrival of two limp hot dogs squished into the middle of french fries and lettuce and corn salad on one plate, and a bowl of noodles with green flecks, there is an akward silence, then a spurt of giggles from the both of us.
So much for our 'German' experience. - Except for the beer.
We drug ourselves aroud Frankfurt for an hour or so with our glazed over eyes staring at modernly designed buildings before spotting a park and plopping down in the shade for a two hour cat siesta, the proceeded back to the airport to wait another six hours for our flight to Ethiopia.
When our plane landed with a giant THUD and jerk, followed by several screams of horror, there was an out burst of claps and cheers. Exiting the plane, there was many kissing the ground which we both were tempted to do, only for different reasons. We were beyond words to be back in our other home of Africa.
After we gathered our bags ( which we were shocked were actually there after almost two days of travelingon three different flights), we headed to the arrival area. Waiting with excitement was Shamim and Faith holding a piece of paper that said 'Cate and Carly'. I knew it was them so I smiled and they began to jump up and down. After hugs and greetings, we were off to Kampala.
Shamim is a beautiful, slim, soft-spoken yet assertive 23 year old woman that went to school with Lela, the young woman that MMCF helped put through secondary school. Her mother, Faith, is a large jolly woman who spoke very little English. When she did not understand you she would just laugh like she knew what you were saying or pause and reply " I am so proud of you". They were to be our guides.
After two days or airplane food and a failed attempt in Germany, we have never been more excited to eat the simple, pure native food of Uganda.
So glad you are back there - and we all get to read your lovely descriptions of the sights and sounds (and your emotions and feelings about it). Love your wonderful writing.